About Wynyard Baptist Church
Who we are
We are an evangelical church located in Wynyard on Tasmania's North West Coast. By his grace, God has enabled us to be a gospel witness in our community for more than a century. Currently we have about 70-80 people at our Sunday Services, as well as a significantly wider network of friends who join us for some of our activities end events, or whom we are able to serve in practical ways.
What we believe
We believe in the authority of the Bible and the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We strive to encourage one another in our walk with Jesus, and to tell others about the good news of his salvation. We subscribe to the Doctrinal Basis and the Principles of the Baptist Faith as affirmed by the Baptist Union of Tasmania.
Church life
On Sundays we gather for worship in our church auditorium in 30 Dodgin Street. The ROC Centre across the road serves as a community hub with various activities throughout the week. In addition, individual church members open their homes for weekly Bible studies and other occasions for fellowship.